been awhile since i have blogged. so thought i would let you know about this class i am taking. yep, i am gittin' ~ 'techie' on ya. did not even know how to connect to it, what 'ning' was, if i could even handle all the 'techie' stuff. but i signed up & it is amazing. JoAnnA Pierotti is a very talented artist & great teacher. her hubby Mr. Ron did the videos & is there for all the techie questions. i am soo impressed by all the talented people taking the class & the dolls they have already done. every doll is soo lovely & has its' own personality ~ you can see they love what they do by their wonderful dolly creations. the class can be viewed 24/7, in your jammies, do at your own pace. joanna does a great job showing all her 'secrets' & techniques & it is like she is right there. she sometimes talks to her doggies & is a natural. love it. just too cool. it has been a blessing to me & has been wonderful therapy at this point of time. there is still time to sign up, check the link at the side, joanna's art studio, and look at all her wonderful artworks. hope to see ya at class. she is gonna have another one soon with her canvas art. hugs & blessings ~ humble ♥