Friday, July 11

whadda beautiful blog*land we have!

thank*you for all your lovely comments ~ and warm welcoming hi's. from looking at the blogs ~ there are alot of wonderful, gracious people ~ very caring and sharing. it is very humbling to see all the talent out there, too. i have been reading a few blogs for months now, and it is great to see how we have become friends. i have seen the journaling comments from stories of pain/sorrow to the joy/happiness ones. i have cried and smiled with them. from a blog expressing the pain of a loved one who is hurt. to laughing at another blog because she heard a clunk and it was her husband, he fell out of bed. i still am giggling over that one! not laughing at them, with them. i feel i can laugh with her, because my husband fell out of bed years ago, and it still is funnie... sorry hunnie. =) it is a great world to join ~ this blog land. thank*you for encouraging and inspiring me. i look forward to your visits and comments. humble ♥


Renna said...

Since it has been a few years, as you said, then it's okay if I laugh too at said husband? LOL! ;-Þ

The flower arrangement is lovely!

Lady Em said...

Welcome to blog land!! It's wonderful here, this is where dreams are made and realized, where you can come and sit with a hot cup of tea and catch up with old and new friends. It's so good to meet you, I love your blog!! And I am in love with that chair in your garden!!
Many Blessings!!
~Lady Em~

Kentucky Bound said...

Welcome to the wonderful land of blog. There are wondeful places to visit and wonderful people to meet. You'll find that when your Owen therapy is not available, blogthereapy will make a wonderful substitute (minus the hugs and sloppy kisses). With rising gas prices, you can take mini-vacations without ever having to leave the comfort of your home via the blogland express.

Thank you for posting the lilac pictures. My absolutely favorite smelly flower and I missed lilac season here this year!


My Arts Desire said...

Welcome to the lovely world of blogging. Since you've been reading blogs for several months, you know what a source of inspiration this slice of the world can be! I love your little therapist. Does he take other clients?! Precious.

The name of your blog is sweet. A great message all by itself.

The Feathered Nest said...

Hello sweet friend!! I just love it when you are getting really good at this computer thing now aren't you? :) Lady Em is my Brent's Emily ~ and going to be the mother of my sweet grandbaby!!!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend Vikki ~ and I'm so glad you're here in the land of blog... xxoo, Dawn

Faith's Vintage Vanity said...

Hi Vikki! Welcome to the land of blog, I'm still fairly new at it myself. I popped over from Dawn's. Nice to meet you and will be seeing you again.
